Project Team
The Review is led by Professor Sir Christopher Pissarides with a leading interdisciplinary team of academics and policy experts.
Professor Sir Christopher Pissarides – Christopher is the Regius Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics. Chris was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on labour market frictions and technology.
Dr Abigail Gilbert – Abby is Co-Director at the Institute for the Future of Work and IFOW’s lead for the Review. She completed her PhD at Manchester in 2015 and has since worked on various research projects in think tanks and the civil service.
Anna Thomas MBE– Anna is the Director of the Institute for the Future of Work. She was formerly a barrister specialising in employment law and appointed to the Counsel to the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Anna was Head of Policy for the Future of Work Commission.
Professor Jolene Skordis – Professor Jolene Skordis is a health and development economist. She is Deputy Director of UCL’s Institute for Global Health and Director of UCL’s Centre for Global Health Economics.
Professor James Hayton - Professor James Hayton is a researcher at Warwick Business School. He was previously Dean of the School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University.
Professor Mauricio Barahona – Mauricio is Professor in Biomathematics and Director of the Centre for Mathematics of Precision Healthcare at Imperial College London. He works on mathematical and computational methods for the analysis of biological, socio-economic and engineering networked systems.
Dr Jonathan M. Clarke - Jonathan is a clinician and academic in the Centre for Mathematics of Precision Healthcare at Imperial College London. His work applies network analysis to examine how health data may be used to address health inequality.
Dr Bertha Rohenkohl – Bertha is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for the Future of Work. Bertha holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Sheffield and does research on various topics of inequality, social mobility and labour economics.
Dr Magdalena Soffia - Magdalena focuses on job quality, capabilities, working age and wellbeing research. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge.
Dr Hong Yu Liu – Hong is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Warwick Business School, focussing on understanding decisions which impact the use of automation technologies at the firm level. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge.
Dr Jiyuan Zheng – Jiyuan is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Imperial College London, focusing on the relationship between work and wellbeing. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Southampton.
Dr Shuting Xia - Shuting focuses on the future of work, digital labour platforms, and the impact of technology on workers’ wellbeing and livelihoods. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge.
Tim Liu - Tim is a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London. His work focusses on the detection of higher order interactions and reconstruction of higher order networked systems using lattice theory and dependency measures.
Dr. Rolando Leiva-Granados - Rolando is a lecturer in Economics at the UCL Institute for Global Health. His research focuses on human capital formation, health economics, and applied econometrics.
Milla Hamunen - Milla is an economist and a statistician with a keen interest in research methods. In her work, she has explored questions related to productivity, employment and investment appraisal.
Xingzuo Zhou - Xingzuo is an NIHR Predoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Global Health, University College London, focusing on the impact of technological changes on the healthcare workforce in the UK.
Kester Brewin – Kester is Head of Communications at the Institute for the Future of Work. He is an author of a number of works of non-fiction in the field of technology, and has written regularly for the national education press.

Steering Group
The Review is overseen by an expert steering group from across the fields of academia, industry and civil society.
Sir Christopher Pissarides (Regius Professor of Economics at LSE)
Naomi Climer CBE (Institute for the Future of Work and former President of the Institute of Engineering and Technology)
Mark Franks (Nuffield Foundation)
Professor Jolene Skordis (UCL)
Professor John van Reenen (LSE)
Anna Leach (Chief Economist, Institute of Directors)
Dr Jennifer Dixon CBE (Chief Executive - The Health Foundation)
Hetan Shah (Chief Executive, British Academy)
Professor Lynda Gratton (London Business School)
Professor Philip McCann (Alliance Manchester Business School)
Kate Bell (TUC)
Mohammad Chowdhury (Institute for the Future of Work)
Adrian Pabst (NIESR)
Jude Hillary (NFER)
Isabel Berwick (Financial Times)
Professor Lilian Edwards (Newcastle University)
Jon Hall (Bank of England Finance Policy Committee)
Professor Henry Overman (LSE)

“We established the Nuffield Foundation’s Strategic Fund to encourage ambitious, multi-disciplinary projects that would re-frame the social policy agenda in the coming decades, with a focus on increasing well-being and opportunity for the most disadvantaged.
The Pissarides Review into the Future of Work and Wellbeing will do this through an innovative approach that will identify how best to secure and sustain people’s work and well-being in the future. Technological advances are potentially hugely beneficial for people and society, but only if we identify ways to ensure such benefits are equitably distributed and to mitigate negative consequences.”
Tim Gardam, Chief Executive of the Nuffield Foundation